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Image by Vincent Guth

Our services have significant impact, ensuring that your new team member and their spouse feel warmly welcomed and fully supported as they transition to Finland and settle into this beautiful Nordic country.


Providing support plays a crucial role in an individual's motivation and overall well-being. Having someone to help connect the dots and serve as a bridge to the new society is invaluable.


Intero's mission is to act as a vital link and a reliable point of contact for newcomers entering Finnish society, offering them the right support and information precisely when they need it most.



Investing in your team is investing in your company's success!

Our Mission

Making newcomers feel supported and welcomed in Finland, supporting their integration journey in a personalized, human-centric way that fosters a sense of belonging and supports their full participation in Finnish society.

Intero's Mission
Intero's Vision

Our Vision

Our vision is for every newcomer in Finland to feel at home and be able to participate fully in society. We want to be known for our friendly and helpful services that make this possible, making Finland a welcoming and inclusive place for all.

Intero Integration

©2024 by Intero Integration 

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